Embedded Youtubevideos works only once per opening a tile

Issue #55 resolved
Jari Vilkman created an issue


There is a bug at least with Chrome nad Firefox browser, if you embed youtube video to a tile and then open it couple of times the embedded video loses thumbnail picture and doesn't work at all, only refreshing the whole page resolves the issue. See attached video

Tested with Boost and Classic themes. Moodle 3.9.2 (Build: 20200914) & format_tiles (RC) 2020080606.

steps to repeat:

  1. Add at least 8 sections to a course
  2. Edit tile 2
  3. In the summary use HTML and paste

<video controls="true"><source src="https://youtu.be/KT2kuMtVSQE"https://youtu.be/KT2kuMtVSQE</video> >

  1. Save changes
  2. Return course mainpage
  3. Turn editing off
  4. Click tile 2 and see video is shown
  5. Click tile 2 again to close it
  6. Click tile 2 to open it again and notice that video doesn't work.

Comments (3)

  1. David Watson repo owner

    Hi Jari please try going to Site administration > Plugins > Course formats > Tiles format > Browser storage > Max content items in browser session storage and setting this value to zero. Does that fix it?

    I think I may deprecate the majority of the browser storage stuff as it causes a few problems for people, or at least set it all to off by default

  2. Jari Vilkman reporter


    setting format_tiles | jsmaxstoreditems to 0 seemed to fix the problem, thanks.

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