Full screen video failed

Issue #87 resolved
Haris Mateen created an issue

some of the users are facing this issue, where they cant full screen video  -

PFA - i have attached the video screenshot -

Comments (8)

  1. leisinger

    I have the same problem when I use my Android phone (Chrome browser) and use a h5p interaction, for example an interactive video. After clicking the fullscreen button, the fullscreen disappears after a second and the tiles organize themselves again.

  2. jason du toit

    i am having the same issue. when i disable “Use JavaScript navigation from Tiles main page” the problem resolves, but that removes the unfolding tiles.

    moodle: 3.9
    space theme: 1.14
    tiles format: 3.11

  3. David Watson repo owner

    Thanks all for your comments and apologies for the delay in getting to this.

    I have a fix going in to BETA to be published on moodle.org today. The same code is planned to be rolled out to Moodle 4.1/4.2 in coming weeks.

    (The issue was that the code was detecting a “resize” event when the video was full-screened, and was then re-organising the tiles and in the process deleting the video.)

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