
Alice Mary Using humour in speeches to make your address entertaining: Tips, guide, and do's and don'ts

Created by Alice Mary

To use humour in your speech would either engage or retain your audience in the middle of your address. However, using appropriate humour in lessons can help the speaker to achieve its real purpose "essay writer". In this article, you will be provided with entertaining speech topics that might help you in understanding how the titles will look like for your eventual speech. You can freely choose any for your upcoming address.

Topics for an entertaining speech

  1. The worst joke I ever heard
  2. The day I bunked my first class
  3. The day when I pranked my girlfriend
  4. The moment when I was not able to control my laugh
  5. How I got my nickname
  6. How to embarrass your best friend
  7. Pick-up lines that will never work
  8. Funny pick-up lines that would work in a stressful situation
  9. How to ruin a date?
  10. How to fail an exam?
  11. How to fail intentionally to escape from any particular situation?
  12. My most significant typo error throughout my professional career
  13. Something that made me laugh so hard that I started crying
  14. The best Dad jokes for all the time
  15. How to freak out your boyfriend?
  16. My worst traffic violation
  17. How to act like a calm person?
  18. Horrible valentine celebration
  19. The worst colour in the world
  20. The annoying facial hair that I have ever seen

Tips for adding an impressive humour

  • You need to add funny stories from your real-life experiences. It will be like putting yourself into your audience's shoes and letting them know that the speaker is just the same as an ordinary person. Also, it will be a good idea to add funny examples, and if properly used, it can amuse your audience and deliver your right message at the same moment. 
  • Remember, the examples you will add must add value to the perspectives of the audience. It must give an insight to the audience that would be easily grasped by them. 
  • Similarly, you need to add the content of the jokes as per the nature of your audiences. You need to know their age, and their interests to amuse them efficiently. If you apply adult examples for an audience ranging between 50-65 years old, then surely you will be destroying the essence of carrying an entertaining speech. Moreover, you also need to realise the demographics or culture of your audience. A joke acceptable in any particular culture might be offensive in the other. 
  • You need to avoid offensive jokes in every way. You need to prevent racism in your examples, or it will be a turn off for a few of your audience. Also, you need to avoid leg-pulling towards a specific entity, and it might negatively impact the general audience. 

  • You need to check that the following examples might not hit any ethic culture, or pose any vulgarity. Keep your content simple, straightforward, funny, and avoid any off-colour humour to the stand-up comedians. 

  • You need to avoid splitting the audience into different categories. For instance, it will be males, females, blacks, whites, and any descriptor that will divide and allow one group to make fun of the other.

  • You need to avoid any coarse language while clearing your point to the audience. 
  • Try to add jokes related to yourself. You can tell any moment when you enjoyed and laughed like anything. Remember, you need to use acceptable language even for yourself so that your audience won’t feel embarrassed. 

  • Laugh at yourself in a sweet and balanced way that you are allowing the audience to laugh with you, not at you. 

  • Remember the rule of three. You need to add three examples, mainly to backup the situation that you are portraying to your audience. If you add unique content, it will bore your audience, and you will be losing the actual track. 

  • You need to avoid sarcasm. Any type of irony will create a negative impact in the eyes of your audience "write my essay". Sarcasm hurts the receiver. When you can pay attention to this, you will know how useful this statement is. For the moment, when you or the other will make a sarcastic remark; just observe the body language of the receiver. They might get uncomfortable, annoying, angry, or might lose interest in the conversation that is going on. 

The do’s for an entertaining speech.

  1. You need to grasp the attention of the audience in the very beginning paragraph of your speech. You need to make your introduction worthy enough to impress your audience at first sight. 
  2. You need to apply the soft tone to convey your message to the audience. You will be using the right words accordingly. 
  3. You need to decide on the aim of your audience. Like, what your audience wants to know from you. Maintain eye contact with your audience so that they may feel cared and concerned. 
  4. You can even use props where necessary. Apply decent designs to them. 
  5. Practice your speech as much as you can. The more you will practice, the higher chances are that you will ace your address effectively.

The don’ts for an entertaining speech

  1. You need to speak in a fluent and balanced tone. Do not talk too low or too fast that your audience might put a question mark on the intensity of your voice.
  2. It is always boring for your audience when you continue to read slides in a particular way. Try to make eye contact with your audience while speaking out whatever you are delivering to them.
  3. Avoid using filler words. For example, umm, hmm, oh,.., etc. 
  4. Always apply a proper format structure to your slides. The slides must be visible to your audience so that they should know what you are explaining to them.

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    一篇好的文章有一个强有力的主题,一个清晰的论文陈述,以及支持你论点的证据 。在开始写作之前,将你的想法和事实组织在一个大纲、图表或基本骨架中。 当你写完后,重读你的文章,检查是否有错误。修改是创造最终的、精炼的作品的一个关键步骤。


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