
Clone wiki

e0210-project / Background

0. Background

This page lists the various tools and resources that you can use while doing this project.

0.1 Git

The project startup repository is hosted at bitbucket. We will be updating this repository with more test cases, sample input and outputs for the projects. You need to be up to date with this repository. Whenever we make some changes to the repo, we will ask you to pull the changes. To do that add this repo as a remote in your local repository.

git remote add upstream

To update your local repo, run the following command:

git pull upstream master

0.2 SOOT

The following is the list of good resources for getting to know SOOT (in the order of preference):

  1. SOOT survivor's guide
  2. SOOT Wiki
  3. SOOT Documentation
  4. SOOT Command line options
  5. SOOT Mailing List
  6. StackOverflow
  7. Google
  8. Sridhar, Abhinav, Arpith
