Path longer than 260 characters

Issue #153 resolved
Wanderer created an issue

Related to this, but a bug, not a wish:

When a path exceeds 260 characters, the known message appears informing that the path exceeds 260 characters. After pressing OK, a “object reference not set to an instance of an object” message appears and then another message saying that RC has crashed and if i wish to send an error report. I tried it a 2nd time and the crash didn't happen but the “object reference” message did appear again.

I know your intention is to eventually support paths longer than 260 chars but since this will not be supported in v4.0, it might be nice to check what’s happening there, before the final RC4 release.

Comments (7)

  1. Wanderer reporter

    Additional info. I have the following situation:

    The path is 68 characters.

    The filename is 175!

    The message saying that the path exceeds 260 characters appear, so this DB cannot be checked with RC4.

  2. Wanderer reporter

    Related to this, but a bug, not a wish:

    When a path exceeds 260 characters, the known message appears informing that the path exceeds 260 characters. After pressing OK, a “object reference not set to an instance of an object” message appears and then another message saying that RC has crashed and if i wish to send an error report. I tried it a 2nd time and the crash didn't happen but the “object reference” message did appear again.

    I know your intention is to eventually support paths longer than 260 chars but since this will not be supported in v4.0, it might be nice to check what’s happening there, before the final RC4 release.

  3. Wanderer reporter

    Worked-around the problem by transferring the parent path to the root of the drive, effectively reducing the length of the path from 68 characters to 31.

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