unable to create Demul 0.7 121017 dat file

Issue #62 resolved
Former user created an issue

When I attempt to create a dat file using the exe for demul an error windows pops up saying that there was an error reading the datafile. The error says that the xml contains an error line 2070, position, 44; an error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 2070, position 44. it asks me if I want to fix it but clicking yes brings up another error saying that Romcenter cannot read the datafile. After clicking ok to close that error screen another pops up saying that an error occurred while parsing EntityName. line 2070 position 44. If I use Romcenter 3.71 I can create a datfile for the latest Demul build but with 4.0.0rc1 this error occurs. It also states in the log that an error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 1; position 204005.

Comments (6)

  1. Eric Bole-Feysot repo owner

    The dat produced by demul contains a '&' in game description on line 2070, which is an invalid char in xml format. I added a hack to read the file. Until the release, you can edit it yourself and replace the '&' by a '&'. (To generate the dat, run demul -listxml > demul.dat)

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