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#MSE-6 - Stars Wars: The Old Republic ability tracker


Parsers are great tools, but what else can we do with the combat log?

MSE-6 is an add-on that uses the combat-log to assist the player with ability awareness and in some cases impending doom. MSE-6 reads the combat-log and can be used to track any ability that is reported in your combat-log. What does this mean? Well, just think of all that DoT’s and HoT’s you have to worry about, applying or removing multiple times, over and over again. Maybe you have an ability that you know you should use more, but always slips your mind somehow. Well then, MSE-6 is the program for you.

MSE-6 runs outside of SW:ToR updating you by audible tones, when a designated action has been completed. But there will be some setup and configuration on your part… If you want to get more general informations on MSE-6, I recommend you to listen to Episode 112 of the Ootinicast!

##Instructions Watch the tutorial video made by Kuze or read on:

  • Verify that Enable combat logging to file is turned on in SW:ToR.
  • There might be a delay between the actions happening in game and how MSE-6 reacts to it.

Launch MSE-6 and optionally: Get your character into combat (training dummy) and use / receive the abilities you wish to track.

####Add new ability to watch:

Select "Add" and then "New Ability" from the menu-bar and double click the ability you wish to add in the pop-up:

"Add ability" popup


Configure ability

First decide (you can change that later any time) if you want to track anything that corresponds to the ability (= "whatever") or a specific occurrence. Next refine source (source of the ability) and target (target of the ability) player(s).

  • Myself: only your character
  • Player: any human controlled character (including yours)
  • NPC: well, any non human controlled character
  • Everyone: You guessed it: Accepting everyone and everything.
  • Custom: you decide!

Now you may refine the time when the ability should trigger, when it is applied, removed or both. Optionally: You may delay the trigger for a few (configurable) seconds. Example: If you configure a delay of 6 seconds and the ability should trigger 'On Apply', the sound will be played 6 seconds after the ability has been applied.

At last choose the sound file which should be played when MSE-6 found an ability that matches the previous conditions.

On a side note: Use your right mouse button for the context menu on elements!
