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Cooperari / Cooperari 0.1 archive

Archived material of Cooperari 0.1

Check for more recent releases of Cooperari at GitHub.

PPPJ'14 slides PPPJ'14 paper

(Click above for the PPPJ'14 paper and talk slides)

About Cooperari

Cooperari is a tool for cooperative testing of multithreaded Java applications.

See our PPPJ'14 paper, presentation slides, and simple demo. These and other resources are also listed below.

Original authors

Eduardo R. B. Marques, Francisco Martins and Miguel Simões, Large-Scale Informatics Systems Laboratory , University of Lisbon.


Trying out Cooperari


Cooperari has been tested with Java 7 and Eclipse Indigo / Kepler. It does NOT work yet with Java 8. If you use Eclipse Luna, you need to configure a Java 7 runtime environment.

With these settings, you should be able to import the PPPJ'14 projects above onto Eclipse (they already include the Cooperari and AspectBench Compiler JAR files).

To create your own tests, download the Cooperari and AspectBench JAR file and make sure they are in your classpath.

Classpath configuration

To run tests cooperatively, you currently need to create the "instrumented" directory manually as part of the Java classpath. It should precede all other items in the classpath.

In Eclipse: run a test class once ("Run As/JUnit Test") to create a fresh run configuration. Then change the classpath of the run configuration, ensuring that the "instrumented" directory has precedence over the default classpath ("Run As/Run Configurations/ClassPath/User Entries/Advanced/Add Folder").

