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flutter-plugin-eghl / Home

Android SDK Linking

Step 1

In your project folder, create an empty folder to store the eghl-sdk library in project/android

flutter android 1.png

Step 2

In the project build.gradle, implement the the library

flutter android 2.png

iOS SDK Linking

Step 1

Copy and paste EGHL.bundle and EGHL.framework project/ios

Step 2

Open .podspec file, add the script into .podspec .

  s.preserve_paths = 'EGHL.framework'
  s.xcconfig = { 'OTHER_LDFLAGS' => '-framework EGHL' }
  s.vendored_frameworks = 'EGHL.framework'
  s.resources = 'EGHL.bundle'

Step 3

In terminal run pod install to initiate the linking

Step 4

Include this import header into your project to use eghl-sdk library

#import <EGHL/EGHL.h>
