Escaping JavaScript variables does not work properly

Issue #103 resolved
Christian Budde created an issue

In order to set the resource strings from within a (JSCodeGen'ed) project it's necessary to update the $R variable.

However, it's currently not possible to do so (at least I do not know any working ways). If for example one would write something like:

   $R = ["some content"]

the compiler complains "Hexadecimal digit expected".

To make it compile it's necessary to escape the $ sign like:

   &$R = ["some content"]

However, this unfortunately ends in code still containing the escape character "&".

Comments (4)

  1. Christian Budde reporter

    I just found a good workaround for this issue:

    var ResourceStrings external '$R': Variant;

    It doesn't render the issue invalid, but at least it's working and it's more pascalish.

  2. Eric Grange repo owner

    Issues traces to TdwsJSLanguageExtension.ReadInstr, which does a TestName before switching the tokenizer, and if the first token within the asm block is a name starting with '$' it goes kaboom.

       ; $R = ["some content"]

    And yes, using an external variant is preferable, you can also use an external function (tagged with "property") if you want it to be read-only:

    function ResourceStrings : Variant; external '$R' property;

    (it's the syntax for JS external properties, but it works in that case as well)

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