Syntax Error: AddInternalFunctions failed on PixmapToJPEGData Type "TJPEGOptions" not found for parameter "options"

Issue #184 resolved
xiejiating created an issue

The latest program found an error: Syntax Error: AddInternalFunctions failed on PixmapToJPEGData
Type "TJPEGOptions" not found for parameter "options".

Tracked, the function RegisterGraphicsTypes in dwsGraphicLibrary.pas registered SYS_TJPEGOptions did not execute, the reason is that the statement in the function: "if systemTable.FindLocal(SYS_PIXMAP) <> nil then Exit;" exited directly

Comments (2)

  1. xiejiating reporter

    Change the last line "unitTable.AddSymbol(jpgOptions);" to "systemTable.AddSymbol(jpgOptions);" in the last line of the RegisterGraphicsTypes function.

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