Concatenating Dynamic Arrays causes Runtime error

Issue #217 resolved
Josef Kučera created an issue

I have discovered a problem when concatenating dynamic arrays (especially Variant ones), when the first element is a constant array. If my memory is correct, this used to work fine before the dynamic array refactoring took place last year. It is minor, because it can be easily work-arounded by using the Insert() pseudo method instead. Failing test is attached.

Best regards,

Comments (3)

  1. Eric Grange repo owner

    There is a bug in CompilerUtils.ArrayConcat where rightTyp is erroneously left.Typ, once that’s fixed there is compilation error for mismatched type (as expected since there is currently no facility for concatenating a variant array to a string array).
    I will see about adding a few basic autocasts (basic types → variant, and integer → float at least).

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