Compiling dwsLibRuntime compilation errors

Issue #80 resolved
Dany Marmur created an issue

The following errors stop building the library:

[dcc32 Error] dwsStringResult.pas(98): E2137 Method 'Execute' not found in base class
[dcc32 Error] dwsStringResult.pas(103): E2137 Method 'Execute' not found in base class
[dcc32 Error] dwsStringResult.pas(108): E2137 Method 'Execute' not found in base class
[dcc32 Error] dwsStringResult.pas(113): E2137 Method 'Execute' not found in base class
[dcc32 Error] dwsStringResult.pas(118): E2137 Method 'Execute' not found in base class
[dcc32 Error] dwsStringResult.pas(123): E2137 Method 'Execute' not found in base class

Adding the abstract virtual function to the base class does not do it as more errors will be issued down the line.

BTW; Thank you for brilliant work!!

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