
Clone wiki

DWScript / BaseTypes

  1. summary DWScript base types

Base Types

The following types are standard:

  • *[Integer]* : 64bit signed integer
  • *[Float]* : double-precision floating-point
  • *[Boolean]* : True/False
  • *[String]* : mutable, copy-on-write, 1-based, UTF-16 string

The following types are optional:

  • Variant
  • COM support : OleVariant, ComVariant, ComVariantArray
  • RttiVariant : specializable interface to Delphi Rtti types
  • TComplex : double-precision complex numbers (dwsMathComplexFunctions)
  • Vector : double-precision 4D homogeneous vector (dwsMath3DFunctions)
  • Matrix : double-precision 4D matrix (dwsMath3DFunctions)
