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DWScript / LanguageTypes

  1. summary DWScript Language Data Types
  2. sidebar TableOfContents
  • [BaseTypes Base Types] (Integer, Float, String, Boolean, etc.)
  • [Enumerations]
  • [StaticArrays Static Arrays]
  • [DynamicArrays Dynamic Arrays]


Classes all derive from the root TObject class and follow the classic Delphi syntax.

Named constructors are supported, as well as class methods, meta-classes, virtual methods, properties and destructors. Properties can optionally be array properties, and can feature an explicit index.

Visibilities are private, protected, public and published.

Classes can implement Interfaces.

You can also declare class methods with "method" as in the Oxygene language, in addition to "procedure" and "function".


Records are supported using the classic Delphi syntax.

Methods and properties of records are supported too, including "class" methods.


Interfaces are supported using the classic Delphi syntax.

Interfaces can define properties, which are syntax sugar to their methods.


Delegates are supported and unified.
