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DWScript / SourceStructure

  1. summary DWScript Source Code Structure.

Source Structure

DWScript supports two source structure styles: Script/Consolidated-Mode and Classic Unit/Program.

Script / Consolidated Mode

Code structure is essentially standard Pascal with the following changes:

  • variables, constants, types and procedures can be declared inline.
  • *begin*/*end* is optional for main program code.
  • *var*, *const* and *type* keywords have to be explicit before any var or type declaration in the main program (var/const blocks are allowed in procedure, before the first begin).
  • methods can be implemented inline (in the class declaration).

Unit / Program

If the source is a unit, ie. if it begins with *unit* clause, and has an *interface* section, then an *implementation* section will be required, and it will follow classic structure:

  • you can have variable, constant and type blocks
  • code cannot be inline and has to be in procedures
  • implementation are only accepted in the implementation section

Similarly a main program, ie. if source begins with a *program* clause, it will follow classic structure.


Variables are guaranteed to always be initialized.

Variable declaration can feature an assignment, variable type can be inferred, for instance

var i := 20;

is equivalent to

var i : Integer;

as well as

var i : Integer := 20;
