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DWScript / String

  1. summary String (base type)


Mutable, copy-on-write, 1-based, UTF-16 string type.


Strings can be delimited by a single *'* or a double-quote *"*.

In a single-quoted string, a single quote can be expressed by doubling it.<br> In a double-quoted string, a double-quote can be expressed by doubling it. Double-quoted strings can span multiple lines.

Explicit Unicode characters can be specified by using # followed by an integer codepoint (decimal or hexadecimal). Characters specified this way are always understood as Unicode codepoint.


Will print 'Hello' followed by CR+LF (ASCII code 13 and 10), followed by 'World', it can also be defined with


Finally indented strings can also be defined with #" or #', the compiler will then ignore common indentation, and will additionally ignore an empty first line, so you can also write



  • Informations*
  • High
  • Low
  • Length
  • Testing*
  • Contains
  • StartsWith
  • EndsWith
  • Case conversions*
  • LowerCase: ASCII lower case
  • UpperCase: ASCII upper case
  • ToLower: locale lower case
  • ToUpper: locale upper case
  • Conversions*
  • ToBoolean
  • ToInteger, ToIntegerDef
  • ToFloat, ToFloatDef
  • Manipulations*
  • After: returns characters after a delimiter
  • Before: returns characters before a delimiter
  • DeleteLeft: delete N characters to the left
  • DeleteRight: delete N characters to the right
  • Dupe: duplicate the string N times
  • Left: return N characters to the left
  • Reverse: returns a version of the string with the character reversed
  • Right: return N characters to the right
  • Split: split a string on a separator and returns an array of strings
  • Trim: trim control characters left & right
  • TrimLeft: trim left control characters
  • TrimRight: trim right control characters
