Refactor GetWaypointByUniqueId method

Issue #75 resolved
Agustin Alba Chicar created an issue

Refactor GetWaypointByUniqueId so it uses the Waypoint pointer built in RNDFNode class. It will improve overall performance as this is provided in the new version of Manifold.

Comments (9)

  1. Agustin Alba Chicar reporter

    We should change the code in to make use of the changes introduced in

    Specifically, instead of searching the waypoints inside the lane, we can retrieve the pointer directly from the RNDFNode.

    Also we can include GetTypeFromVertex( std::shared_ptr<ignition::math::Vertex<std::string>> vertex) and tidy up the waypoint type check.

  2. Agustin Alba Chicar reporter

    Fixes #75. Refactors DynamicRender::GetTypeFromVertex and DynamicRender::GetWaypointByUniqueId to make better use of manifold data structures

    → <<cset 5627e0018a60>>

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