Double quotes in language strings

Issue #632 resolved
Frank Joris created an issue

Backend language file: en-GB.com_allevents.ini

String: COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_UNCERTAIN_ENROL_TEXT="Your registration in event <span class="maileventtitle"> %EVENT_TITLE% <> which will take place <span class="eventdate"> %EVENT_DATE% <> is uncertain because you pointed out not being capable of confirming or not your participation. We noted down your interest and hope that you will be able very quickly to confirm us or not your presence."

should be replaced with:

COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_UNCERTAIN_ENROL_TEXT="Your registration in event <span class="QQ"maileventtitle"QQ"> %EVENT_TITLE% <> which will take place <span class="QQ"eventdate"QQ"> %EVENT_DATE% <> is uncertain because you pointed out not being capable of confirming or not your participation. We noted down your interest and hope that you will be able very quickly to confirm us or not your presence."


COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_WAITING_ENROL_TEXT="Your registration in event <span class="maileventtitle"> is in waiting list due a too big number of requests. You will be kept informed about any changes of your registration."

should be replaced with:

COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_WAITING_ENROL_TEXT="Your registration in event <span class="QQ"maileventtitle"QQ"> is in waiting list due a too big number of requests. You will be kept informed about any changes of your registration."

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