Priority in .xy file not the same as in GUI

Issue #11 closed
Former user created an issue

The following node information from the .xy file produces a node with priority 100 when viewed in the GUI, rather than the expected priority of 4999.

node name Spill1 desc num 1 ntype 3 priority 0-2 4999 hydtable 1 pos 0 1,850.00000000 1 4,175.00000000 labelpos 0 1,850.00000000 1 4,175.00000000 pcapUnits acre-ft/month tsdemand multicolumn True units acre-ft/month 10/1/1970 12:00:00 AM 9999 9999 9999

Comments (3)

  1. Bob Lounsbury

    Bug fix - Both priority and demr were being written to the xy file for demand nodes. It should be, and now is, priority for reservoir nodes and demr for demand nodes (fixes #11).

    → <<cset 163a08d4b9c3>>

  2. Bob Lounsbury

    Just for clarification, the priority terms written to the xy file for the upcoming MODSIM 8.4.1 release are "demr" for demand nodes and "oprp" for reservoir nodes. As described in the user manual.

  3. Bob Lounsbury

    To maintain consistency from previous versions, the 8.4.1 release will be the same as previous versions "demr" for demand nodes and "priority" for reservoir nodes.

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