Mails from Bitbucket should have ColorPlanet in subject

Issue #28 closed
Patrick Drechsler created an issue

Mails from Bitbucket should have 'ColorPlanet' in subject.

I have other Bitbucket projects...

Comments (3)

  1. Erik Melkersson repo owner

    If you know where to configure that, I am all ears. (I am new to bitbucket, and I didn't find any obvious settings)

  2. Erik Melkersson repo owner

    But, but..... my emails have such a subject with it, in the end: "Issue #28: Mails from Bitbucket should have ColorPlanet in subject (erik_melkersson/color-planet)"

  3. Erik Melkersson repo owner

    As my email already have the "color-planet" in the subject they may be filtered on that string.

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