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TymeSync / Other Installations


Some clients might never had install a remote database, and probably deciding over MySQL or SQL Server. This options leads to the choices of what files to be installed. Most of the applications that that might be interested in is already available in the internet.

The files

For manual installation of MySQL. One of the optional Remote Database for Tyme Sync.

The application should be able to run on the multiple versions of the SQL Server Express as shown above. However, the application is developed on SQL Server Express 2008 R2.

Please note that the SQL Server Express 2008 R2 requires Microsoft PowerShell. To download Windows PowerShell 1.0 for Windows Vista, select the installation package for your platform.

The following files are available for download from the Microsoft Download Center:

For manual installation of Apache server. This is not really required for Tyme Sync specifically, but highly recommended for Tyme Web

For manual installation of PHP. This is also not required for Tyme Sync but are required for Tyme Web.

Here the PHP are very optional. But the installation simplifies the work needed to be done comparing installing Apache/MySQL manually
