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TymeSync / Troubleshooting


  1. The test connection gives error of “UNABLE TO INITIALIZE SDK (INITIALIZE SDK)” when first setting up an ELID based time clock.
    Reinstall EdotSDK GUI. Sometime the files may be corrupted or missing during the installation process ELID’s product.
  2. If you encounter any problems or have any suggestion for us to enhance TyME Sync, please kindly notice us at

It will be easier for us to track the error if you provide us the ‘SYNCLOG’.

  1. Go to you TYME SYNC folder.
  2. Select the SYNCLOG file.
    * The log file is saved as ‘SyncLog YEAR-MONTH-DAY’
    Make sure you have selected the appropriate log file.
  3. Open the file with a notepad o with your favourite text editor, copy all and paste it at
    Click CREATE.
    * This process will take a few minutes depend on the size of the text you have enter.
    * The purpose is to get an URL link to the note without any registration.
  4. Select PUBLIC URL. A new tab will show.
  5. COPY the URL and PASTE it to the MESSAGE BOX.

Please describe the problem in detail. Be sure to include:

  • What is the problem?
  • What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
  • What version of product you are using? (Please refer to the About Menu in Tyme Sync)
  • What is your operating system? (E.g. Windows 7 32-bits)
  • What type of database system you are using? (E.g. MySQL)



  1. The title
  2. Select
    • Assignnee
    • Type of issue
    • Rank of issue
  3. Message box
  4. Verification

* You can also leave us your email, easy for us to follow up with the problem you faced.
