Monitor Graph allowable Y-axis range is invalid when minimum values are not negative.

Issue #120 resolved
Myles Metzler created an issue

There must be at least one loop with a negative minimum value otherwise the the Y-axis minimum range gets set to 5000, this results in an empty graph.

Comments (5)

  1. Myles Metzler reporter

    To check confirm that this is the issue a user is seeing:

    1. Navigate to the url listed below; replacing __IPADDRESS__ with the ip address of the server.

      1. http://__IPADDRESS__/api/edge/chambers/1/logs/trend/settings
    2. If the json key “range” has a “min” value that is larger than its “max” value then this is the cause of the blank graph.

  2. Myles Metzler reporter

    Bug Fixes

    Addresses #119 (P300 program details Abs High/Low affect monitor graph y axis range). Addresses #120 (Monitor Graph allowable range is invalid when a loops range min/max is zero). Addresses #121 (F4T control loops must be sequential).

    → <<cset d001636a77e6>>

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