Download button on program editor page does not work.

Issue #130 resolved
Myles Metzler created an issue

Capture.PNG Using the download button on the editor causes the following error:

  "exception": "TypeError", 
  "message": "decoding Unicode is not supported", 
  "traceback": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"/var/www/EspecWeb/EspecWeb/api/\", line 109, in wrapper\n    return func(*args, **kwargs)\n  File \"/var/www/EspecWeb/EspecWeb/api/\", line 919, in route_get_program\n    prgm['name'] = unicode(prgm['name'], 'utf-8', errors='replace')\nTypeError: decoding Unicode is not supported\n"

Current work around: Use download button from program list:


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