Update process is not installing required configuration files

Issue #93 resolved
Myles Metzler created an issue

This is causing an issue with the data logging not starting right away; in the future it may cause other issues so fixing the update scripts to always include these files is needed.

Comments (2)

  1. Myles Metzler reporter

    Bug Fixes

    addresses #93 (Update process is not installing required configuration files) addresses #92 (Update email server settings to match new credentials) addresses #91 (Communication errors with process controller causes other problems) addresses #90 (ZeroReturnError thrown when scanning network for other Controllers)

    → <<cset 9d27c592727e>>

  2. Myles Metzler reporter

    Merged in dev-bugfix (pull request #7)

    fixes #93 (Update process is not installing required configuration files)

    fixes #92 (Update email server settings to match new credentials)

    fixes #91 (Communication errors with process controller causes other problems)

    fixes #90 (ZeroReturnError thrown when scanning network for other Controllers)

    Release 2.3.5

    Approved-by: Myles Metzler mmetzler@espec.com

    → <<cset cebc207d6c2b>>

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