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lexikon2sqlite / Features

Feature list

  • read a Lexin XML dictionary file and create a SQL script file that can be used to create the structure of tables as well as to insert all the word definitions into its corresponding tables
  • read a Lexin XML dictionary file and create a SQLite database file, which is a verbatim copy of the original XML file (except that it is stored in the SQLite format)
  • read a Lexin XML dictionary file and create a Bourne shell script that could help you to download from the Lexin web server all the .swf audio files associated with every word of the source XML dictionary. The .swf file is then converted to mp3 format using the ffmpeg video converter utility.
  • read a Lexin XML dictionary file and then convert back to XML format. This function, altought bizzare, was conceived to verify that the source is parsed properly and that the internal object is built correctly. By converting back to XML format, the new XML file will not be 100% the same as the source XML but even better, it is beautifying by indentation of the object nested levels (master <-> child relationships).
