Error in most specific method attributes

Issue #110 resolved
Jesper Öqvist created an issue

JastAddJ 7.1.1-313-gbcfa5f1 Java SE 7

The attributes in JastAddJ for finding the most specific method declaration for a method access seem to be incorrect.

The current implementation looks like this, in the Java 5 module:

  private static SimpleSet MethodAccess.mostSpecific(SimpleSet maxSpecific, MethodDecl decl) {
    if (maxSpecific.isEmpty()) {
      maxSpecific = maxSpecific.add(decl);
    } else {
      if (decl.moreSpecificThan((MethodDecl)maxSpecific.iterator().next())) {
        maxSpecific = decl;
      } else if (!((MethodDecl)maxSpecific.iterator().next()).moreSpecificThan(decl)) {
        maxSpecific = maxSpecific.add(decl);
    return maxSpecific;

The attribute of moreSpecificThan lacks documentation, and the implementation contradicts what the attribute name implies that the attribute should compute. A better name for the attribute would have been notLessSpecificThan, because the attribute only returns false if the parameter list of the receiving method is empty or some parameter type in the argument method is a supertype of the corresponding argument type in the receiving method:

  refine MethodDecl eq MethodDecl.moreSpecificThan(MethodDecl m) {
    if (getNumParameter() == 0) {
      return false;
    int numA = getNumParameter();
    int numB = m.getNumParameter();
    int num = Math.max(numA, numB);
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
      TypeDecl t1 = getParameter(Math.min(i, numA-1)).type();
      TypeDecl t2 = m.getParameter(Math.min(i, numB-1)).type();
      if (!t1.instanceOf(t2) && !t1.withinBounds(t2, Parameterization.RAW)) {
        return false;
    return true;

The attribute moreSpecificThan should either be fixed to work as the name implies, or it should be renamed to notLessSpecificThan, which seems less useful.

A test case for the incorrect most specific method lookup:

// Test that ambiguous method access is reported.
// .result=COMPILE_FAIL
class ParType<T> {
    public void m(T x) { }
    public void m(Integer x) { }

public class Test {
    public void f(ParType<Integer> x) {
        x.m(123);// ambiguous method access!

This test case should fail to compile, but with the current version of JastAddJ it passes.

Comments (1)

  1. Jesper Öqvist reporter

    Improved MethodDecl.moreSpecificThan attribute

    The MethodDecl.moreSpecificThan attribute did not work as the name implied: it could return true even when a method was not definitely more specific than another method.

    Added MethodDecl.lessSpecificThan helper attribute.

    fixes #110 (bitbucket)

    → <<cset 2c013336b925>>

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