Method lookup error for generic variable arity methods

Issue #154 resolved
Jesper Öqvist created an issue


There is a method lookup error that incorrectly causes multiple methods to be most specific for this test case:

// .result=COMPILE_PASS
public class Test {
  public static <T> void perform(Subject<? extends T>... subjects) {
    Helper.perform(subjects); // Calls the first helper method.

class Helper {
  // First helper method:
  public static <T> void perform(Subject<? extends T>... subjects) {

  // Second helper method:
  public static <T> void perform(T... subjects) {

class Subject<T> {

ExtendJ gives the following error for this test case:

    [junit] tests/varargs/method_01p/ error: several most specific methods for perform(subjects)
    [junit]     perform(Subject[]) in Helper
    [junit]     perform(Subject[]) in Helper

Javac does not complain about several most specific methods in this case.

Comments (2)

  1. Jesper Öqvist reporter

    ExtendJ does not complain about the following test case:

    // .result=COMPILE_PASS
    public class Test {
      public static <T> void perform(Subject<? extends T> subject) {
        Helper.perform(subject); // Calls the first helper method.
    class Helper {
      // First helper method:
      public static <T> void perform(Subject<? extends T> subject) {
      // Second helper method:
      public static <T> void perform(T subject) {
    class Subject<T> {

    This shows that the issue is specifically for variable arity calls.

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