Type propagation fails in certain rewrites and causes incorrect AST disambiguation

Issue #205 resolved
Olivier Hamel created an issue

Extendj Version: Head, Commit: 8900768, Java SE 8

The following fails with the misleading message "package .o not found."

((Demo.container) new container()) resolves to unknown type rather than container, which causes resolveAmbiguousName to decide ((Demo.container) new container()).o is a PackageAccess rather than a FieldAccess (since o is not a known field in unknown type).

Object it = ((List) ((Demo.container) body).o).iterator(); works just fine, as does further simplification of the RHS expr. (Original code comes from Soot.)

import java.util.*;

public class Demo {
  static public class container { public List<Object> o = new ArrayList<>(); public container() {} }

  void foo() {
    container body = new container();
    Object it;
    it = ((List) ((Demo.container) body).o).iterator();

Comments (7)

  1. Jesper Öqvist

    This is a tricky issue. The problem is really that the current name resolution only considers chains of simple identifiers. When a more complex expression occurs on the left-hand side of a Dot expression with an unresolved ParseName as the right-hand side, then the ParseName rewrite does not inspect the type of the left-hand side during its rewrite process.

    I constructed a more minimal test case for the issue:

    public class Test {
      static public class Container {
        public String o = "x";
      void foo(Container con) {
        ((String) ((Test.Container) con).o).length();

    A graph of the relevant part of the AST (problematic Dot highlighted):


  2. Jesper Öqvist

    The problem is really that the current name resolution only considers chains of simple identifiers.

    I spoke too soon. It's been a while since I worked with name resolution.

    Debugging confirms that the type of the left-hand side of the inner dot is indeed Unkown type.

  3. Jesper Öqvist

    A part of the problem seems to be that the rewrite of the right-hand side of the inner Dot is triggered before the rewrite of the left-hand side completes. This is problematic because the type attribute will then be evaluated on an unclassified expression which leads to the Unknown type.

    A reason for the right-hand side rewrite interrupting the left-hand side rewrite is that the generated code uses getRight() instead of getRightNoTransform() in the inherited attribute evaluation:

        if (getRightNoTransform() != null && _callerNode == getRight()) {
          // @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/LookupType.jrag:606
          return getLeft().qualifiedLookupType(name);
        else {
          return getParent().Define_lookupType(this, _callerNode, name);

    The lookupType attribute is evaluated during resolvePackageOrTypeName while classifying the "Test.Container" name.

    Screenshot at 2017-08-31 14:28:09.png

  4. Jesper Öqvist

    A tentative solution to this issue is to introduce a new rewrite condition for the ParseName rewrite:

    diff --git a/java4/frontend/ResolveAmbiguousNames.jrag b/java4/frontend/ResolveAmbiguousNames.jrag
    index 03f5789..104285e 100644
    --- a/java4/frontend/ResolveAmbiguousNames.jrag
    +++ b/java4/frontend/ResolveAmbiguousNames.jrag
    @@ -531,8 +531,30 @@ aspect NameResolution {
         return resolvePackageOrTypeName(qualifier, name);
    +  /**
    +   * A parse name can only be disambiguated if it is not qualified by another
    +   * unresolved parse name.
    +   */
    +  inh boolean ParseName.canResolve();
    +  // Default equations:
    +  eq TypeDecl.getChild().canResolve() = true;
    +  eq BodyDecl.getChild().canResolve() = true;
    +  eq CompilationUnit.getChild().canResolve() = true;
    +  eq AbstractDot.getRight().canResolve() = !getLeft().containsParseName();
    +  syn boolean Expr.containsParseName() = false;
    +  eq Binary.containsParseName() =
    +      getLeftOperand().containsParseName() || getRightOperand().containsParseName();
    +  eq CastExpr.containsParseName() =
    +      getTypeAccess().containsParseName() || getExpr().containsParseName();
    +  eq ParExpr.containsParseName() = getExpr().containsParseName();
    +  eq ParseName.containsParseName() = true;
       // This rewrite replaces a parsed name with a name reclassified according to context.
       rewrite ParseName {
    +    when (canResolve())
         to Access {
           NamePart name = NamePart.EMPTY;
           switch (nameType()) {

    This works by ensuring that the rewrites are ordered from left-to-right in qualified name expressions, so that the left-most part is resolved first.

  5. Jesper Öqvist

    Fix error in ParseName resolution

    A rewrite condition has been added to the ParseName rewrite to enforce left-to-right rewrite ordering in qualified expressions. This fixes a case where name resolution failed because a right hand side rewrite was triggered prematurely by an inherited attribute evaluation.

    The ParseName was effectively not monotonic, since it could get "stuck" in the wrong state. This was a very rare occurrence, and only happened in certain cases, similar to this expression tree:

    ((String) ((A.B) B).x).length()

    The ParseName rewrite of A.B resulted in premature rewriting of x. The ParseName x was then incorrectly resolved as a package name.

    fixes #205 (bitbucket)

    → <<cset 7f47d0207dfa>>

  6. Jesper Öqvist

    Thank you for submitting the issue! I had previously suspected that there might be a rewrite ordering issue in the ParseName rewrite, but I didn't have any concrete test cases and didn't have time to really look into the issue. It really helped to have a test for this!

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