Missing type variables in bytecode signatures

Issue #269 resolved
Jesper Öqvist created an issue

The bytecode signatures generated by ExtendJ don't include type variables in all cases where Javac adds type variables.

For example, this class:

public class Jac1 <T extends Integer> {
  public Jac1(T t, T[] ta) {

Has the following bytecode signatures when compiled with ExtendJ:

public class Jac1<T extends java.lang.Integer> {
  public Jac1(java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer[]);

When compiled with Javac, it has these signatures:

public class Jac1<T extends java.lang.Integer> {
  public Jac1(T, T[]);

Comments (2)

  1. Jesper Öqvist reporter

    This seems to only be affecting constructors. Type signatures are generated for methods and fields, but missing for constructors.

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