Incorrect type signatures for inner classes

Issue #294 resolved
Jesper Öqvist created an issue

ExtendJ 8.1.0-57-g2a09f5f Java SE 8

When ExtendJ generates type signatures including inner classes, the inner classes are referred to by the source type name, e.g., X.Y. The actual bytecode class name should be used instead: X$Y.

This causes compile problems in JaCop 4.0.0 when the scala sources are compiled:

warning: Class org.jacop.constraints.GCC.Component not found - continuing with a stub.
error: error while loading GCC, class file 'jacop/target/classes/org/jacop/constraints/GCC.class' is broken
(class java.lang.NullPointerException/null)
src/main/scala/org/jacop/scala/package.scala:83: error: org.jacop.constraints.GCC does not have a constructor
    val c = new GCC( x.asInstanceOf[Array[org.jacop.core.IntVar]], y.asInstanceOf[Array[org.jacop.core.IntVar]] )
warning: Class org.jacop.constraints.Diff.Pair not found - continuing with a stub.
error: error while loading Diff, class file 'target/classes/org/jacop/constraints/Diff.class' is broken
(class java.lang.NullPointerException/null)
two warnings found
three errors found

The Scala compile error is caused by scalac not finding the inner classes GCC.Component and Diff.Pair when referred to in type signatures.

Here is an example of an incorrect type signature for a field in the bytecode for GCC:

  java.util.ArrayDeque<org.jacop.constraints.GCC.Component> S2;
    Signature: #28                          // Ljava/util/ArrayDeque<Lorg/jacop/constraints/GCC.Component;>;

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