Handle quoted arguments in argument file

Issue #64 resolved
Jesper Öqvist created an issue

JastAddJ can handle argument files, like javac does, however the support is only partial. JastAddJ for example does not handle quoted arguments such as:

"s p a c e/Test.java"

JastAddJ 7.1.1-156-g6058a86 Java SE 7 output when using the above argument file:

Error: neither a valid option nor a filename: "s
Error: neither a valid option nor a filename: p
Error: neither a valid option nor a filename: a
Error: neither a valid option nor a filename: c
Error: neither a valid option nor a filename: e/Test.java"

Comments (2)

  1. Jesper Öqvist reporter

    Improved argument list parsing

    • Argument files are now expanded in-place
    • Argument files may now contain comments and quoted strings
    • A leading at-sign can be escaped by a double at-sign in the argument list

    fixes issue #64 (bitbucket)

    → <<cset bc3a3b02e4fe>>

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