
Faisal Chohan experience_calculation

Created by Faisal Chohan

File experience_calculation Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+-- Function: public.calculateexperiencenew(integer)
+-- DROP FUNCTION public.calculateexperiencenew(integer);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.calculateexperiencenew(integer)
+  RETURNS integer AS
+total numeric(14,4) := 0;   
+r_Experience RECORD;  
+        starttime date;
+        endtime date;
+        mindate date;
+        maxdate date;
+	olddate date;
+        subtractvalue INT4 := 0;
+        diff INT4 := 0;
+        tevta_resume INT4 := 0;
+select into mindate start_date from experience where resume_id = $1 order by start_date limit 1;
+select into maxdate end_date from experience where resume_id = $1 order by end_date desc limit 1;
+if maxdate is null then    
+     select into diff current_date - mindate;
+     total = diff;      
+     select into diff maxdate - mindate;
+     total = diff;
+end if;
+for r_Experience IN select start_date,end_date from experience where resume_id = $1 order by start_date loop 
+endtime = r_Experience.end_date;   
+starttime  = r_Experience.start_date;
+tevta_resume = $1;
+if endtime is null then 
+	endtime = current_date;
+end if;
+if olddate is null then 
+	olddate = endtime;
+end if;
+if (starttime > olddate) then
+	select into diff starttime - olddate;
+	subtractvalue = subtractvalue + diff;
+end if;
+olddate = endtime;
+        total = total - subtractvalue;
+        total = total / 365;
+        update resume set experience = total where resume_id = $1;
+        return tevta_resume; 
+  COST 100;
+ALTER FUNCTION public.calculateexperiencenew(integer)
+  OWNER TO jawad;

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