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VeraCrypt mount plugin for KeePass v2.x

This plugin helps you to save time mounting VeraCrypt volumes.

You don't have to select each time your container, select a drive letter and optionally type in the password.


Download page


Unzip and then copy the latest KeepassVeraCryptMount.plgx into your KeePass plugin directory (usually: C:\Program Files (x86)\KeePass Password Safe 2\Plugins).

Debian VeraCrypt mount/unmount without password

run as root (you can replace %sudo with a specific user) :

cat >> /etc/sudoers.d/veracrypt-mount << EOL
%sudo ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/veracrypt


chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/veracrypt-mount


Tools menu

The options dialog is in the Tools menu item.

Options Dialog

Here you must specify the VeraCrypt executable path.

You can press the button with the green icon to resolve automatically from the local registry


Assuming you have a separate KeePass entry for each VeraCrypt volume, you should right click the KeePass entry, use Ctrl+M shortcut if it's a new entry not yet configured for VeraCrypt, it will work on any entry even if the context menu entry is not shown. The password for the volume is stored in the default password field of KeePass.

Entry context menu

With a click on the "Mount volume" item or Ctrl+M, you will see the dialog below.

VeraCrypt mount dialog

Here you can specify the mount settings for this password entry.

If you select the option "Hide dialog next time", clicking on the password entry "Mount volume" will directly mount the entry without showing the config panel.

Note: Never enclose your path_to_file with "" even if you have spaces in your path, they will be added automatically if needed.

Choose the file name of the encrypted container or type in the name of a physical partition which is encrypted. The following formats are allowed:

1 File container

  • \\[HostName]\[ShareName]\[FileContainer].[Extension]

2 Physical partitions

The best way to fetch the correct partition, open VeraCrypt and choose your partition with the "Select a Partition or Device" dialog and copy the value from the volume field.

  • \Device\[HarddiskX]\PartitionX

3 Disk/volume

as shown by mountvol.exe

  • \?\Volume{f07340be-7d84-11e0-8b19-802346ee6963}\

The Volume ID value can be retrieved using the volume properties dialog in VeraCrypt

VeraCrypt get VolumeID

  • ID:DE5976C70416E8B5EAC99081EE4ABCBDA2A218602966D3835695C29FD601EDE3

After that, choose a free drive letter or leave it to <Auto Select> and check/uncheck needed options.

Then press the Apply button and then Mount button to store the settings inside of the KeePass password entry as custom strings (settings are saved only after pressing the Mount button).

The "Mount" button starts the mount operation.

Technical information

Used API Methods
