Add Participants to Request participants field on condition

Issue #311 resolved
IT MayaHTT created an issue

Hi Fidel !

Since Automation is not working on that one (can't add Reporter to Request Participants), I'd need your help for setting this up. Basically, when my user A member of group Test submits a request, I'd like all users in this group Test to be added to Request Participants field.

I've took a look at this reported issue but it's not entirely answering my need :

I think Set a field as a function of other fields could do the job, I'd like to check if the reporter is member of group Test, then set Request Participants field with all members of Test group except my reporter (since this isn't supported by Jira).

I hope you have an idea how to make that work.

Thanks in advance for your precious help :)

Regards, John

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Jonathan,

    Try Copy a parsed text to a field with the following configuration:

    Captura de pantalla 2016-05-06 a las 17.26.40.png Captura de pantalla 2016-05-06 a las 17.27.05.png

    This are the configuration parameters:

    • Target field: Request participants
    • Parsing mode: basic
    • Text to be parsed: + Test, - %{00006}
    • Conditional execution: isInGroup(%{00006}, "Test")

    Note that:

    • %{00006} is field code for Reporter
    • Test is the name of the group.
  2. IT MayaHTT reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    This looks awesome and easy ! Thank you very much for your support once again efficient :)

    Have a good one.


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