Making a custom field required based on the value from another custom field

Issue #357 resolved
Adhip Pokharel created an issue


Use Case: Two custom fields

  1. Test1 – Check box
  2. Test2 - Text field (<255 characters)

Can we make Field #2 (Test2) required if Field#1 is checked (i.e. Test1 is checked)

In other words, if the Test1 Checkbox is checked, prevent users from creating the JIRA ticket until they enter something in the Test2 field.

Is it possible to do something like this?

Comments (29)

  1. Adhip Pokharel reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    Thanks for your help. Let me try this configuration in our test environment and see if it works as expected.


  2. Adhip Pokharel reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    Not sure if i did it correctly but i am getting a error in trying to create a issue now. Do i need to change the Numerical and Date-Time Terms and Text- String Terms as i have highlighted in the attached screenshot?


  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Adhip,

    You should use the field codes which are automatically injected using the select list below TEXT-STRING TERMS (select the field and then click on Insert String Value). Those field codes have a format like %{nnnnn} where nnnnn is a numeric value.

  4. Adhip Pokharel reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    Thank you. It is working as expected. Exactly what we needed. Thanks again.


  5. Adhip Pokharel reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    Another scenario. What if we are using a select list instead of a checkbox.

    Example : We have a select list called 'Environment' and it has couple of options. If enviornment = production, we want a value entered for rapid release approval ticket number.

    Is this the correct syntax?

    %{Environment}= Production IMPLIES %{Rapid Release Approval Ticket Link}!= null

    Or do we use the value number of the option 'Production' above.

  6. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Adhip,

    You should use the following boolean expression:

    %{aaaaa} = "Production" IMPLIES %{bbbbb} != null

    replacing aaaaa with field code for Environment custom field, and bbbbb with field code for Rapid Release Approval Ticket Link.

    We write Production between double quotes because it's a string literal.

  7. Adhip Pokharel reporter
    • changed status to open

    Hi Fidel,

    Another question on this. So, i found a workaround on this today. If you simply choose a different value for %{aaaaaa) instead of Production and create the issue, you can edit the ticket and change the value back to Production and the field %{bbbbbb} can still be left blank (ie null).

    Is there a way we can implement this validator on edit issue as well just like create issue?

  8. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Adhip,

    The solution I can provide you requires to remove field Environment from edit screen, and force it to be edited using a reflexive transition that presents the user the field to be edited (for example creating a transition called "Edit Environment").

    The solution in detail is:

    1) Create a global reflexive transition called "Edit Environment". A global transition is available from any status, and a reflexive transition has the same origin and destination status. The following screenshot shows how to create these kind of transitions.

    2) Remove custom field Environment from EDIT screen, so that nobody will be able to edit it directly. You should keep the field in VIEW and CREATE screens.If you are using the same screen for EDIT and VIEW operations, or for EDIT and CREATE operations, you will have to clone the screen and use different screens for each operation.

    3) Create a new screen called "Environment edition", add field Environment to it, and associate to "Edit Environment" transition.

    4) Add "Boolean validator with math, date-time or text-string terms" to "Edit Environment" transition with the following boolean expression:

    %{aaaaa} = "Production" IMPLIES %{bbbbb} != null

    replacing aaaaa with field code for Environment custom field, and bbbbb with field code for Rapid Release Approval Ticket Link.

  9. Adhip Pokharel reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    Thank for you for the message. We do have two different screens. One for Create/ Edit and one for View. I may need to split the Create/Edit into two as well. One for Create and one for Edit. For now, i think we will just remove the options for editing the field 'Production' in the "Edit Issue" mode. We will try this complex solution only if need arises. Thanks for your help again.

  10. Adhip Pokharel reporter
    • changed status to open

    Hi Fidel,

    We need another help. Is there a way we can put a validator in place so the field %{bbbbbb} can only accept numerical values (ie no alphabets) when %{aaaaaa} = Production?

  11. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Use the following boolean expression:

    %{aaaaa} = "Production" IMPLIES (%{bbbbb} != null AND matches(%{bbbbb}, "[0-9]+"))
  12. Adhip Pokharel reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    Hope all is well with you. I just wanted to check with you a small update related to the Boolean expression below

    %{aaaaa} = "Production" IMPLIES (%{bbbbb} != null AND matches(%{bbbbb}, "[0-9]+"))

    if we want the field %{bbbbb} not equal to the reporter in the 2nd part of the expression above %{aaaaa} = "Production" IMPLIES (%{bbbbb} != null AND matches(%{bbbbb} , how would the expression look? Since Reporter is a out of the box JIRA field and not a custom field, do we use the its value or hard code in the name "Reporter"

    %{aaaaa} = "Production" IMPLIES (%{bbbbb} != null AND (matches(%{bbbbb}!="Reporter"))

    Is this correct?

  13. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Adhip,

    It depends on whether the value expected at %{bbbbb} is a user name or a user's full name. Maybe you also want to make your expression to ignore the case, and any leading or trailing space. This is particularly important when the value is manually entered by a user.

    Try this expression:

    %{aaaaa} = "Production" IMPLIES trim(toUpperCase(%{bbbbb})) not in [toUpperCase(%{00006}), toUpperCase(%{00005})]

    where %{00006} is field code for Reporter and %{00006} is field code for Reporter's full name.

  14. Adhip Pokharel reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    The custom field %{bbbbb} is a user picker (querying our active directory). For me, the value is apokharel (Full Name : Adhip Pokharel). We do not have a reporter in the create issue screen. Please see below as how it's displayed after creating the JIRA ticket.1.PNG


  15. Adhip Pokharel reporter

    This is the 1st part of the expression

    %{10201}="Production" IMPLIES %{15900}!= null

    where 15900 = ID for a user picker field called 'Reviewed By'

    We need to include the 2nd logic (%{15900} is not a reporter) and combined the two expression into a single one.

    Please let me know if you have any questions

  16. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Use the following boolean expression:

    %{10201} = "Production" IMPLIES (%{15900} != null AND %{15900} != %{00006})
  17. Adhip Pokharel reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    It worked perfectly as we were hoping for. Thank you so much again. Have a great day!


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