Custom Field Ids longer than 5 characters aren't allowed v2.0

Issue #69 resolved
Derek Boyle created an issue

I am trying to check the value of a custom field by id: %{100831} != null, in a "Boolean validator with math, date-time or text-string terms".

It seems that you cannot have id's longer than 5 chars. I get the following exception. Only if the following boolean expression is true: %{100831} != null, :: LEXICAL ERROR : Lexical error at line 1, column 8. Encountered: "1" (49), after : "%{10083"

When I check the same thing on a field id that is 5 chars long, it works fine.

Comments (7)

  1. Derek Boyle reporter

    Hi Fidel - I couldn't comment on the first case I opened. Here is my response to your questions.

    • I'm using Jira 6.0.7
    • I'm sure my custom field's id is 6 chars long, all of them are. The built in field's ids are only 5 chars long.
    • I'm using the built in field types. The one I'm trying to validate against is a "Free Text Field".

    Thanks, Derek

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Derek,

    I will try to solve the problem in next version of the plugin. I will share a link to a beta version fixing it as soon as it becomes available.

    Regards, Fidel

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Version 2.1.22 had to be released urgently due to issue #73, and unfortunately the works for current issue were not yet finished. Anyway, the works to complete it are much advanced, and if nothing strange happens, it will be fixed in version 2.1.23.

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I have just released 2.1.23_beta_4 with full support for fields longer than 5 digits.

    Derek, could you try it and confirm me that it works correctly for you?


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