Compatibility - JIRA 7.5

Issue #794 resolved
Athena Petridou created an issue

Hello there! Can you please tell us when the JIRA Workflow Toolbox will be compatible with JIRA Server 7.5.0?

Thank you! Athina

Comments (8)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @apetridou,

    JWT can't be declared compatible since attachments uploaded in transition screens has become unaccessible through JIRA API in JIRA 7.5.0. The cause is a bug in JIRA 7.5.0.

    The problem was notified to Atlassian in JSP-398396, and has been recognized as a bug by Atlassian in JRASERVER-65939.

    I have explained Atlassian the severity of the problem. I hope they share my opinion, and fix the problem in next version of JIRA. The problem is that nothing can't be done by JWT team to solve this problem, since there are no alternatives to access transition attachments but the affected API.

    In case I don't get news from Atlassian about fixing the problem in next version of JIRA, I will be forced to declare compatibility with a BIG WARNING, explaining the impacted functionalities, which are conditions, validations and post-functions that has some reference to attachments uploaded in a transition screen.

    With this information, you can install JWT 2.2.42 on your JIRA 7.5.0, in case you are not using affected functionalities, or you can live with the problem.

    BTW, you can help to solve the problem by voting on issue JRASERVER-65939. Thanks.

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @apetridou,

    JIRA Workflow Toolbox has been declared compatible with JIRA 7.5.0, although affected by JRASERVER-65939. We can't keep JWT blocked in JIRA 7.4 because of a bug on JIRA 7.5 we can't do anything to solve, except report it to Atlassian, and try to influence to get it fixed as soon as possible.

    The following features are currently impacted by the bug in JIRA 7.5.0:

    Virtual fields:

    • Transition's attachments.
    • Transition's attachments with details.
    • Number of transition's attachments.
    • Attachments: attachments uploaded in transition screen are missing.
    • Attachments with details: attachments uploaded in transition screen are missing.
    • Number of attachments: attachments uploaded in transition are not counted.
    • Recent attachments: attachments uploaded in transition screen are missing.
    • Recent attachments with details: attachments uploaded in transition screen are missing.


    • Send an email: attachments uploaded in transition screen are missing in emails sent.

    Please, don't forget to vote for JRASERVER-65939.

  3. Milica Ozegovic

    Hi, I have the same Problem but with Jira 7.3.x - is this possible? The uploaded attachments on a transition screen do not appear on the issue afterwards.

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @MilicaO,

    I don't think it's the same problem. In version 7.3.x all the tests of the add-on work correctly.

    Yesterday, I received also a claim that 7.3.5 was suffering the same problem (Issue #911), but was a mistake. The version the user was using was actually 7.5.3.

    Please, double check your version of JIRA and that the problem is caused by "Transition's attachment" virtual field.

  5. Milica Ozegovic

    Hi @fcarmario, thank you for the quick answer, the jira Version is correct - but I think is not a Problem caused by the "Transition's attachment" virtual field. But thanks anyway.

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