Validate attachments in transition screen

Issue #861 duplicate
Luciana Weidmann created an issue

Hello, I need to validate a required attachment on a transition screen, in an issue that already contains attachments. I can not validate by number of attachments, name, or any characteristic features of the file. I'm testing this: "{00135}> 0", as "Boolean validator" or as "Validation based on regular expression", using the Attachment field in transition, but although it attaches the file, it does not take the condition as valid and does not allow transitioning . Could you please help me use the correct expression? Thanks, Luciana

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @lweidman,

    Which version of JIRA are you using?

    JIRA 7.5.0 and 7.5.1 have a bug (JRASERVER-65939) that affects the access to attachments uploaded in transition screen.

    You can see my announcement explaining the problem on 8th September at JWT news.

    There is also Issue #794 about this problem.

  2. Luciana Weidmann reporter

    Oh, yes, I'm using JIRA Software 7.5.0, so this is why that's no working. Is there any workaround that we can use?

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @lweidman,

    Sorry, there isn't any workaround. The only thing we can do is to vote for JRASERVER-65939, and asking Atlassian to fix the problem. I hope they will not take too long to do it.

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