Reading binary STL works fine, reading ASCII STL leaks memory

Issue #10 new
Former user created an issue

When I read an ASCII STL dolfin-hpc leaks memory somewhere and the process is killed because my pc runs out of memory. Everything works fine when I read binary STL files. I tried with STL meshes created using both Gmsh and Salome and dolfin-hpc exhibits the same behavior.

Comments (4)

  1. Niclas Jansson

    Which branch is this related to?

    Unless it has been modified recently, the STL reader does only support binary files.

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    It hasn't been modified. I agree binary stl is enough, but we should at least put a check on the stl file that stops the application if the stl is an ascii, instead of the current behavior.

  3. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    I know it's very easy, but still the issue needed to be raised... And assigned to someone :D Who's gonna do it? U.U

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