Deprecation: Remove UnitCircleMesh in 1.4 release

Issue #201 resolved
Prof Garth Wells created an issue

UnitCircleMesh was deprecated in favour of CircleMesh in v1.3. This is a reminder to remove UnitCircleMesh in a future release.

Comments (7)

  1. Johan Hake

    Maybe we should add an issue (alt change this one) for all deprication removals? We could then just list all things scheduled for removal in the text or comments off the issue. I would add removal of dofmap.{vertex_to_dof,dof_to_vertex}_map.

  2. Prof Garth Wells reporter

    If we consolidate the deprecation removals, I'd prefer to have one Issue per release. We can the close the issue when it's done.

    An advantage of an Issue per deprecated interface is that we can discuss and change the release in which it should be removed.

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