Faulty memory management in adapt

Issue #319 wontfix
Anders Logg (Chalmers) created an issue

The following code crashes:

from dolfin import *

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(16, 16)
subdomains = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, 2, 0)

data = []
for i in range(5):

    # Works if this line is not commented out

    markers = CellFunction("bool", mesh, True)
    mesh = adapt(mesh, markers)
    subdomains = adapt(subdomains, mesh)

The code runs if the MeshFunctions are stored in a list during refinement.

The cause is likely the set_parent_child function in adapt.cpp which uses reference_to_no_delete_pointer. What needs to be done is to improve the interface by adding shared pointer versions of all functions and making sure that these are used from Python (not the reference versions).

Comments (10)

  1. Anders Logg (Chalmers) reporter

    The new work Chris is doing on refinement hierarchies will change the way memory and adapted objects are handled, so a new issue will need to be opened in the unlikely event that the code by @chris_richardson is not perfect.

  2. Jan Blechta

    Example workaround for mesh function

    adapt_wrapper_code = """
    #include <dolfin/adaptivity/adapt.h>
    namespace dolfin {
    std::shared_ptr<MeshFunction<std::size_t>> adapt_wrapper(
      const MeshFunction<std::size_t>& mesh_function,
      std::shared_ptr<const Mesh> adapted_mesh)
      std::shared_ptr<MeshFunction<std::size_t>> mf;
      mf = std::make_shared<MeshFunction<std::size_t>>(adapt(mesh_function, adapted_mesh));
      return mf;
    adapt = compile_extension_module(adapt_wrapper_code).adapt_wrapper;

    EDIT: This workaround is incorrect. Correct one is to never use returned value of any adapt function, see below.

  3. Jan Blechta

    Few comments to this:

    1. The nodeleter in set_parent_child _parent.set_child(child); child->set_parent(reference_to_no_delete_pointer(_parent));is there to avoid circular pointers parent->child->parent->child-> .... Correct solution is having std::weak_ptr<T> Hierarchical::_parent rather than shared_ptr with no deleter.

    2. Much more serious flaw is that many adapt functions allocate returned object by std::shared_ptr<T> child(new T());, store child using set_parent_child and return *child by value! They should rather return child, i.e. the shared ptr which takes care of object lifetime.

    Workaround for users:

    1. Don't ever use returned object of any adapt functions!
    2. Access the result by child() method.


    # Don't do this!
    mesh = adapt(V.mesh(), markers)
    u = adapt(u, mesh)
    # Do rather this
    adapt(V.mesh(), markers)
    mesh = V.mesh().child()
    adapt(u, mesh)
    u = u.child()
  4. Nicklas Karlsson

    Problem is still there. Code below work but using value returned from this function result in segmentation fault. I would guess pointer is set to local variable somewhere within code.

    In general I consider declaring local variable as the first and best choice for memory magement since also make possible use of stack like memory allocation scheme with or without stack atlhough I am not certain compiler is able to handle the case then memory allocated by object is to large to handle by the stack but as with any memory magament care must be taken so that there is no pointer/reference left then object cease to exist.

    void refiner(std::shared_ptr<Mesh> refined_mesh, std::shared_ptr<const Mesh> mesh, double r){ auto refineMarkers = MeshFunction<bool>(mesh, mesh->topology().dim()); refineMarkers.set_all(false); refineArea(r).mark(refineMarkers, true);

    refined_mesh = std::make_shared<Mesh>(adapt(mesh.get(), refineMarkers));

    VTKFile meshFile("results/meshDebug1.pvd", "ascii"); meshFile.write(*refined_mesh); }

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