DOLFINTargets.cmake incorrect after install

Issue #343 resolved
Chris Richardson created an issue

I've just hit a problem with CMake/instant/dolfin when compiling DOLFIN JIT modules. FFC modules compile fine, but DOLFIN modules crash because they try to link to the library in the build tree, instead of the installed location.

make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/home/e319/e319/shared/src/dolfin/build.archer/dolfin/', needed by `_dolfin_c'.  Stop.

The filesystem /home is not available at runtime on this system.

The culprit appears to be $INSTALL_PREFIX/share/dolfin/cmake/DOLFINTargets.cmake which still has the build directory in it, in a variable called IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEVELOPER. Changing this to the correct library location fixes the problem.

I don't know how to fix this in the source, as it is deep inside some CMake magic, but this is new behaviour compared to 1.3

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