Function::operator+ is missing

Issue #803 open
Chaffra Affouda created an issue

Now that Function::operator+ is removed in commit 49b7e1ad160 how can I add two functions into a FunctionAXPY. Should FunctionAXPY implement FunctionAXPY::operator=(const FunctionAXPY&) so that operation can be performed on the same FunctionAXPY object?

Comments (17)

  1. Jan Blechta

    The operator has been removed because of the conversion of reference to nodelete pointer.

    There are dozens of ways how this can be done

    FunctionAXPY result(first, second, FunctionAXPY::Direction::ADD_ADD);
    FunctionAXPY result(first, 1.0);
    result += second;
    FunctionAXPY result({{1.0, first}, {1.0, second}});
    FunctionAXPY result({});
    result += first;
    result += second;
  2. Jan Blechta
    • changed status to open

    Oh, ok I see your point. There is only operator+ not operator += etc.

    But still the first and the third way suggested above should work (with correct types).

  3. Chaffra Affouda reporter

    Yes that's correct. I could not find FunctionAXPY::operator= or += etc... I don't see an elegant way of making a sum in a for loop without them. Actually this is breaking a lot of things in my code.

  4. Chaffra Affouda reporter

    Maybe the Function::operator 's should be left in place and instead Function should inherit from std::enable_shared_from_this<Function>. That way you can call Function::shared_from_this() to generate a new shared_ptr to this. I don't know if that will take care of the memory corruption with NoDeleter.

  5. Jan Blechta

    I don't see an elegant way of making a sum in a for loop without them.

    Come on, there's

        /// Constructor
          std::vector<std::pair<double, std::shared_ptr<const Function>>> pairs)    ;

    First construct pairs in loop.

    std::enable_shared_from_this seems to be like a good suggestion. That's similar to what I was thinking about at #643 but I was not aware of its presence in std.

  6. Chaffra Affouda reporter

    Ha like I said: not elegant :-). But thanks for reminding me of that constructor. Also since Function is a Hierarchical it has a _self member which is already a shared_ptr. You might just use it directly instead of creating a new one every time a Function::operator is called. I tried it and it works.

    And I just realized your are aware of the _self member in issue #643.

  7. Jan Blechta

    Good point, let's

    • revert 49b7e1ad160,
    • use Hierarchical::_self instead of reference_to_no_delete_pointer(*this) temporarily,
    • fix #643 (hopefully using std::enable_shared_from_this),
    • use shared_from_this() instead of Hierarchical::_self.
  8. Jan Blechta

    std::enable_shared_from_this::shared_from_this() is undefined behaviour in C++11 when object is not managed by shared ptr. This is fixed in C++17 and boost which throw bad_weak_ptr in this case.

  9. Chaffra Affouda reporter

    So the workaround for now would be:

    ** use Hierarchical::_self instead of reference_to_no_delete_pointer(*this) inside the operators.

  10. Jan Blechta

    That's not acceptable as long as we are not able to make Hierarchical::_self safe w.r.t. memory management. (enable_shared_from_this looks promising but it might open another can of worms.)

    Please, propose any other solution which is safe, preferably in the form of a pull request. Extension of FunctionAXPY interface might do the job for you.

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