ufc.py is not installed first time install is run

Issue #20 resolved
Prof Garth Wells created an issue

ufc.py is not installed the first time python setup.py install ..... is run.

Comments (5)

  1. Anders Logg (Chalmers)

    Very strange. I did a clean install with Dorsal and then ufc.py did not get installed.

    But then I tried to replicate this by first removing everything related to UFC and then reinstalling UFC manually. Then ufc.py did get installed:

    $ find $FENICS_DIR | grep ufc | xargs rm -rf
    $ find $FENICS_DIR | grep ufc
    $ rm -rf build
    $ python setup.py install --prefix=$FENICS_DIR
    copying build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/ufc/ufc.py -> /home/logg/scratch/src/fenics/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ufc
    byte-compiling /home/logg/scratch/src/fenics/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ufc/ufc.py to ufc.pyc
    $ find $FENICS_DIR | grep ufc.py
  2. Johannes Ring

    There is a generated ufc.py in the ufc subdirectory. Try this:

    $ rm -rf build/ local/ ufc/ufc.py ufc/ufc_wrap.cpp
    $ python setup.py install --prefix=$PWD/local
    $ find local/ | grep ufc.py
    $ python setup.py install --prefix=$PWD/local
    $ find local/ | grep ufc.py
  3. Johannes Ring

    Not sure. I have tried several different things, but not found a solution yet. Will keep trying.

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