Passing --user instead of --prefix to gives inconsistent UseUFC.cmake file

Issue #81 resolved
Damon McDougall created an issue

I installed ffc with this command:

python install --user

Doing this produced the following ~/.local/share/ufc/UFCConfig.cmake file:

# CMake configuration for UFC (
# This file has been generated automatically by the FFC/UFC installation.

# FIXME: Check that naming conforms to CMake standards

# Package found

# Include directories
set(UFC_INCLUDE_DIRS "/usr/local/include")

# Compiler flags
set(UFC_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++0x")

# Python include directories
set(UFC_PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS "/opt/apps/intel15/python/2.7.9/include/python2.7")

# Python libraries
set(UFC_PYTHON_LIBRARIES "/opt/apps/intel15/python/2.7.9/lib/")

# Python executable
set(UFC_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE "/opt/apps/intel15/python/2.7.9/bin/python")

# SWIG executable
set(UFC_SWIG_EXECUTABLE "/home1/apps/swig/3.0.5/bin/swig")

# Version

# The location of the UseUFC.cmake file
set(UFC_USE_FILE "/usr/local/share/ufc/UseUFC.cmake")

Note that UFC_USE_FILE and UFC_INCLUDE_DIRS aren't set to the correct values. The culprit is the get_installation_prefix function, which relies on passing --prefix.

The result of this bug is that JIT compiles will fail to find the right cmake makefile at runtime.

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