extrude issues

Issue #46 resolved
Nico Schlömer created an issue

I was playing around with extrude_2d and found two issues with

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import meshio

import dolfin
import mshr

# box for reference
box = mshr.Box(dolfin.Point(-3, -1, -0.1), dolfin.Point(3, 1, 0.1))

# triangle
t1 = mshr.Polygon([
        dolfin.Point(2.5, -0.5, 1),
        dolfin.Point(2.5,  0.5, 1),
        dolfin.Point(1.5, -0.5, 1)
g3d = mshr.Extrude2D(t1, -2)

m = mshr.generate_mesh(box + g3d, 20, "cgal")

        {'tetra': m.cells()}
  • The extrusion will always start as z-level 0, independently of the z-values of the Polygon points. Perhaps the extrusion can be designed a little more generally here to allow for specifying a direction of extrusion, perhaps even with a rotation angle. (Not sure what CGAL supports here, the ideas come from Gmsh.)

  • There are some funny artifacts at the bottom side of the reference Box


Comments (8)

  1. Benjamin Dam Kehlet

    Yes, a Polygon is a 2D primitive so the points doesn't have a z component. It a design choice (in Dolfin) to use the same point class both in 2D and 3D. But maybe mshr could issue a warning if the z component is not zero when creating a polygon?

  2. Nico Schlömer reporter

    a Polygon is a 2D primitive

    Perhaps it shouldn't be? I'm not sure right now how to create a polygon extrusion that cuts through the "board" in the above example. Limiting the extrusion direction to (0,0,1) seems unnecessarily strict, too.

  3. Benjamin Dam Kehlet

    I think it is strength that any 2D geometry can be extruded to 3D.

    You can translate and rotate after the extrusion. Insert eg.

    g3d = mshr.CSGTranslation(g3d, dolfin.Point(0,0,1))

    Was this what you meant? Maybe it would look better to just have a function translate(g3d, Point(0,0,1)) ?

  4. Nico Schlömer reporter

    I wasn't aware of translate/rotate. Thanks for the hint!

    Two things aren't possible with the current extrusion:

    • Extrusion at an angle, to e.g., generate an oblique cone.
    • Rotation with extrusion to generate screws or turbines. screw.png

    I would say those are different issues, but perhaps worthwhile thinking about.

  5. Benjamin Dam Kehlet

    Yes, sounds good! That shouldn't be too hard to implement. Could you register them as enhancements in the issue tracker?

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