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mshr / API / Polygon

dolfin::Variable > mshr::CSGGeometry > mshr::CSGPrimitive > mshr::CSGPrimitive2D


A 2D polygon.

Public functions

Polygon(const std::vector< dolfin::Point > &vertices)

Create polygon defined by the given vertices. Vertices must be in counter-clockwise order and free of self-intersections.

Parameters| |
----------|------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------- vertices |const std::vector< dolfin::Point > &|A vector of dolfin::Points. Vertices are copied into the object.

std::string str(bool verbose) const

get informal string representation

Parameters| |
----------|----|--------------- verbose |bool|Verbosity level

Type getType() const

bool ccw() const

check if vertices are counter clockwise oriented.

const std::vector< dolfin::Point > & vertices() const

get vertices in polygon. Can be modified inplace.
