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Silent Aero Glass

Silent Aero Glass is a little utility I wrote that prevents the annoying demo version message of Big Muscle's Aero Glass for Windows 8 from popping up. At the moment it only works on the 64-bit version of DWMGlass. Feel free to modify it for 32-bit if you need it.

NOTE: This is broken as of Aero Glass RC4, so please use RC3 or earlier!

If you don't trust the pre-compiled binaries I provided in the download section get Visual Studio 2010/2012, clone the source and compile it yourself. Make sure you use Visual Studio 2010's compiler (even if you're on VS2012).

Please note that this software was only tested on my own machine on Windows 8 x64. Use it at your own risk!


Installing silent-ag works pretty much in the same way as installing Big Muscle's Aero Glass.

  • Download the binaries in the download section or compile the dll yourself
  • Place the dll in an easily reachable directory, such as C:\silent-ag
  • Create a .reg file (or edit the one provided with the precompiled binaries) and paste the following in it (make sure you replace the first dll with the path to your DWMGlass.dll and the second one with the path to your silent-ag dll): Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]
"AppInit_DLLs"="C:\\silent-ag\\silent-ag.dll C:\\DWM\\DWMGlass.dll"
* Save the .reg file and double-click it. Confirm when prompted. * Reboot. The annoying messagebox should be gone! ;)
